đź“–Table of Contents

This is an introductory project into the world of soft electronics. Since it's a more experimental project, I focused more on the material research and the mechanism for the electronics instead of on the design of the bag. Inspired from my mom's self-made patchwork bag, The Hug Bag is a gift for the future me, something that carries the memory of being connected in the human society. Something that reminds us of the care and loving that we can always go back to. Something that gives physical accompany and functionality at an era where that's no longer possible. Simply something that gives us a hug and keep us motivated to keep going on our journey. The Hug Bag accompanies you as a friend. It reacts to the owner's body temperature and physical movement. If the owner has the bag on, it becomes alive by changing color. If the owner is in an active state, the Hug Bag automatically tightens up, make sure that it's not dangling. If the owner is in a still state, the Hug Bag loosens itself.

The Story In the near future, human beings were threatened to go into hibernation by the pandemic and all series of mutation of the virus. The last solution was expecting the virus to naturally die out as the hosts rest underground. People refer the hibernation as “The Long Sleep.”

Not everyone trusted the last solution. There are people who didn’t go into the hibernation. They were right. Among people who decided to trust the underdeveloped deep froze technology, not everyone wake up. People who were lucky enough to wake up from the Long Sleep revived with hope but found out the virus has not weaken any bit. Instead, a even stronger mutation made COVID a more contagious and fatal virus.

The future me belongs to one of the people who woke up from the Long Sleep. Desperate, lost, in pain of loosing family and friends, but still choose to believe there’s a solution and chance to survive.

🟡 🔍 Concept Research

Present Material Research

Complexity within Simplicity

Complexity within Simplicity







my hair

my hair

my notebook

my notebook

brown recycled paper

brown recycled paper

Childhood Textures

Cotton Material

Cotton Material

My grandma made me lots of jackets, so my childhood aesthetics are kind of influenced by her choice of materials

My grandma made me lots of jackets, so my childhood aesthetics are kind of influenced by her choice of materials

a present from an auntie to my mom -  i've  wanted it but mom also really likes the bag, she always takes it when we go to the market to get food

a present from an auntie to my mom - i've wanted it but mom also really likes the bag, she always takes it when we go to the market to get food


sofa cover in our living room

sofa cover in our living room

mom's handbag

mom's handbag


Mom's Handmade Patchwork Bag


